Our Shared Savings Concept is a Game Changer
Most of the Cost Containment products include shared savings. This unique concept reverses the trend of shifting costs to employees, which in some cases has become a barrier to receiving treatment. Now when we identify savings for certain prescription drugs or facility charges, an employer shares the savings with employees. Typically, we waive an employee's out of pocket expenses and in many cases we also put a significant amount of dollars into their pocket as well!
Employee Participation is Voluntary
Our Cost Containment products are always voluntary for an employee and spouse. Since employees may have to change the way they access our healthcare system, the choice to participate should always be theirs to make. It is this change that creates the lower claim costs and savings that can be shared with employees. If the shared savings do not justify these changes, then the employee simply accesses the system as he/she normally would.
Our Concierge Service Makes It Easy
Navigating our healthcare system can be difficult for most employees. Our concierge is there to answer questions, explain the shared savings, confirm eligibility, and in general provide employees with the information they need to make the right decision for themselves and their family. Once an employee decides to participate, we make appointments and walk them through the process every step of the way.